Double Möbiusring.
Alabaster, ± 64x41x41cm
Albalate del Arzobispo, Spain, 2017
The double Möbius is a kind of strap that folds and unfolds endlessly in two kinks, changing from inside to outside. Both sides whirl around each other like a Tango-dancing couple. Light and Darkness as two inseparable elements of The Whole.
Amongst 9 other sculptors, I was invited to execute my proposed design, during the 11th Alabaster-symposium, in Spanish Albalate del Arzobispo, held between 25-9 to 6-10 2017.
Beside Spanish participants, sculptors from Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Russia and me from The Netherlands were selected to make their sculptures.
Two intensive weeks of working, exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience.
Beside that a great solidarity, big deal of laughter and joy characterized our togetherness.
The executed works are exposed in the Ayuntamiento for the coming period. Finally all the sculptures of Albalates Symposia will definitely be placed in the Archbishop’s palace, at the top of Albalate.
Not only for tourist’s pleasure but in the first place to serve the exploit of the best Alabaster that is found in the world: in the region of Albalate.
My gratitude to the organisers and all participants.